Free Powerpoint Templates 2018 Review in 7 Different Categories
You can’t be free from presentation because you have to do this in almost every activity you do. When you at school, you still have to make presentation of your homework and duty. When you at college, you make more presentations. When you work, you still have to make it and present it in front of your boss too. Which is why; free Powerpoint templates 2018 review can help you in choosing and knowing the right theme that will match with the condition.
Free Powerpoint Templates 2018 Review for Your Reference
Besides Microsoft Word, another Microsoft program you need to have and use is Powerpoint.
You can’t present your material without it and no matter what year the your Powerpoint program is, the Powerpoint templates free download can be used easily and it will match perfectly with your sheets to make your presentation become good.
In 2018, there are so many new designs for Powerpoint themes and many people have already tried to prove the effectiveness of making presentation using templates.
Instead of letting your sheets plain and white but full of text, having templates can make your sheets different and not all people can do it.
When you visit, you may see hundreds of template with different theme and also design. However, not all is perfect for your situation of presentation.
You have to search for the best and it matches to the formal meeting. If you are student and you have to make presentation of your homework, you may choose something cute and funny.
However, since you are not children a
nymore, college students and also workers need to make formal presentation and forget about being cute or funny.
If you have to present in front of your colleagues and also your bosses, you might not make something funny for your presentation unless you want to leave bad impression during the meeting.
There are so many reviews related to the templates used by many people. Those reviews can help you in choosing which one you really want to use for presentation.
Review of Template Powerpoint Keren in 40 Slides
The first review will be template Powerpoint Keren. If you are having the formal meeting that you need to do and you have numbers of material that you need to deal and put in your slides, many people recommend to use Keren theme for your template.
The design is not outstanding or it is little bit ordinary however, the simple design is considered as the best design when people do presentation. The simple design will not disturb the presentation and it looks formal too with the multiplication.
All designs have multiplications on each slide as the decoration. The symbols are placed on every edge of the slide so if you see the next slide, then you will see the different design of Keren theme.
The advantage of this template is Keren theme gives 40 different and unique slides so it is perfect for you who have lots of material that you need to write on the slide.
You don’t have to type full text in one slide because it will make your audience bored to see and read though those are important.
However, 40 slides are more than enough and most people don’t use them all so the rest is quite many.
Another advantage is Keren template has animations and transition that will make the slides more fun. It doesn’t spend their time so much just to add animations and edit it because when you change the slide, the animation is also different.
The 40 slides are so easy for you to edit and change based on what you want and it comes in pttx format so you will not face difficulty in using those.
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Review of Powerpoint Templates Free Download in Lumia Theme
Meanwhile there is another recommended theme for those who seek for formal templates when they have presentation which is Lumia. Unlike the first template, this one is playing with colors instead of symbols.
The gradation of colors make all slides look perfect and it is truly hard to find Powerpoint templates free download in different colors. Most of them require payment and if you don’t pay, you will not get the whole slides. However, you will get 30 slides in different unique styles and designs.
No need to pay, no need to use it for certain minutes, no need to install very hard because all you need to do is just putting the password and apply the templates.
All slides have animation in simple style so it is perfect for formal situation because you don’t have to be ashamed in showing your material through people.
You may edit if you don’t like it and most people even for the beginners in using Powerpoint can edit the template easily without wasting much time so they can use their time for another turn of practice.
The font is Roboto for the templates but people can change it easily if you don’t like the font and you can use the regular font for presentation.
So far, people don’t find it hard to type on each slide because they can change the font color based on the background.
The blending colors are green and slightly dark. Some slides might have grey color but instead of dots, symbols or signs, the use of colors can be attractive and every slide is an element of surprise because each is so different.
Download Template Powerpoint for Free in Redto Theme
Well, though you really want to use fun templates with colorful theme, you have to consider the situation and also the condition you do the presentation.
If you present in front of children, then you can choose something cute, funny with colorful slides to draw their attention.
You may put so many animations too just to make them focus on your presentation.
However, when you have to present in front of important people such as your managers and bosses, seriousness is a must thing to do.
Some people recommend Redto theme because it is so formal and it can be perfect for any situation.
It can be used for both men and women when they have to do presentation since it combines two major colors which are black and red into one slide and you can see the blending of both colors in harmony.
Black is the major one so it gives the professional touch to the slides. People who see it will know right away if this is made by professional and they will think if you spend much time to make.
Some users are quite satisfied with 20 slides given to them and they think it is enough for them to use it as presentation. They can type and write all materials on 20 slides.
Meanwhile, users are so pleased with the size of 16:9 with morph animations and transitions inside each slide. It means, people can use it perfectly without spending much time to add animation again for each slide.
You just need to type and see on the slide show. Which is why; this download template Powerpoint is quite popular to have.
Powerpoint Templates Free Download in Geo Theme
However, some people perhaps want to use something simple, bright and clear so they can make people pay attention to the presentation and slide.
Blue is the perfect color to melt the tension and also nervousness. Powerpoint templates free download in Geo theme offers the best blue color in each slide using the touch of red colors.
The mountain pictures you can find on almost each slide with or without snow. The mountain pictures can be the background for your slides and it makes them calm.
As you know, mountains are lonely and it is so calm under the blue sky so Geo theme will take you to the mountain for enjoying your presentation.
The audience who sees it will also be relaxed and they don’t feel the tension inside the meeting room. What people like about is because Giant Template as the site gives them 30 different slides so you don’t need to worry anymore if you run out of the slide.
You can maximize the use of Geo theme and it must be enough for you just to get 30 unique slides.
You will not lack of anything and perhaps, you won’t use the rest because your materials are not many.
It comes in pttx format with 16:9 size of it and you can add another transition or animation if you wish but each slide of it has them already. But if you don’t like the animation, then you can change.
If you don’t like the font, then you change too. However, some people don’t want to waste their time just to change animation and they are so happy because they already have the complete in one template.
Morph Powerpoint Template Free Download Review
There are so many people fail to make and create their own perfect slides for presentation.
It is because you use so many colors inside one slide, you use animation with long time, the text can’t be seen clearly and more.
You want to impress the audience and you put so much effort into it but the result doesn’t go well with the expectation.
Instead of wasting your time to make presentation, it is better if you use your time to practice and the design can be handled by Morph Powerpoint template free download.
Perhaps you may think this is not so interesting and the design is ordinary however, it is the best design for you to use when you are in the formal meeting and you jave to deliver your presentation in front of important people there.
You will get 30 slides with different theme and each slide has triangle symbols on the edge to make it prettier so it doesn’t look boring as you though before.
The transition and animation are included so you will not miss to put them instead of making the slides by yourself.
It has blue and also yellow as the combination of colors with yellow is the major one while the blue comes with the symbols or just as the decoration of the blue one.
You don’t need to find another color and those colors blend perfectly. You can use the white fonts for the yellow slides so the text will be seen and users like it so much because they already download it and use for different formal meeting.
It means they don’t need to search for different templates though they have different presentation since it is neutral.
Free Download Morph Powerpoint Template in Bubble Theme Review
If you want to choose another theme, users also recommend free download Morph Powerpoint template in Bubble theme. Based on the name, you will see bubbles in different position and also different slides.
The big bubbles can be filled with text and other bubbles will reflect the pictures so it will be perfect for your presentation and you don’t need to search for other symbols to decorate your sheets. The font is Roboto and you can change if you don’t like but most people don’t do it.
It means they like the original font because it matches with the theme. However, if you have order to change the font based on the font you always use like Times New Roman and more, you can change it.
It is easy to edit and you can add another Morph animation and transition however, some people might not use it. It is because you have to own Microsoft 365 subscribe if you want to use and edit the transition of the Morph.
Some users expect to have little improvement to make it better and everybody can use it.
This Bubble theme is perfect for all situations such as for office meeting or college examination. You may not find any cute and funny symbols so you can use it for the very formal situation and the neutral colors will make you presentation even better.
You may get 30 slides without lacking of anything and you don’t need. You can use it more and more if you have so many presentations ahead.
If you have to present something in just several minutes because of pressure, then you just need to apply it and your work is finished.
Photo Album Free Powerpoint Templates in Omega Theme
The last review for some new templates offered by Giant Template site will be photo Album free Powerpoint templates in Omega theme which is the favorite one because in this template, users can change the picture using their own pictures or photos so it will look like the real photo album.
Unlike other themes, the background of the template here is real photos and you can change it if you want. You can replace the other people’s photos in different slide with your own photo if you wish.
However, this kind of template can’t be used in formal situation.
Some people think it will be so embarrassing for them if they use their own photos in front of bosses or your managers.
This popular theme can be used in informal situation or for photography events because it shows the real photos and pictures so the audience can see it clearly.
This template comes in 30 slides with different positions of the photo so you can change it and surprise the whole people there with your own different photos in every slide. However, some people have their way.
For those who have already downloaded it used natural pictures as the background to replace the human photos. You can do it the same so you can at least use it in the right situation for formal meeting.
You can search other neutral photos so you still can see the text written there. If you don’t do it, then you may find it difficult to choose the font colors that will match perfectly with the background.
It comes in also pttx format with animation and transition along with 16:9 of the size. You can apply it directly to the slide after putting the password.
The Importance to Have Free Powerpoint Templates
Basically you don’t think so far about having free Powerpoint templates because the important thing inside the presentation has to be material.
However, have you considered yourself being the audience? How do you feel after looking at the plain white slide with full of text? You must be bored and perhaps, all you can do is just look at the presenter but your mind is outside the meeting room.
Another thing you will do is perhaps looking at your watch to see when the meeting is done and you can go.
Basically you don’t think so far about having free Powerpoint templates because the important thing inside the presentation has to be material. However, have you considered yourself being the audience?
How do you feel after looking at the plain white slide with full of text? You must be bored and perhaps, all you can do is just look at the presenter but your mind is outside the meeting room.
Another thing you will do is perhaps looking at your watch to see when the meeting is done and you can go.
If you want to be respected by many people when you do the presentation, then all you need to do is making the great presentation.
If you don’t want to have the same fate like the previous presenter and your audience may be bored to see both of you and slides, you need to make it best.
Since Giant Template site offers the free slides, why you skip it? You have to download it as many as possible so you can prepare them a lot when you do the presentation so you don’t need to decorate anything else.
All you need to do is just preparing yourself with the best material you own and put them together inside the slides. You can compare the time you have to make the slides alone with this templates.
If you do it alone, you have to search for the picture as your background, you need to choose the animation and transition, you have to concern about the text, you have to practice, you have to decorate, you have to see it in the slide show and more. Your time is wasted too much without help.
Presentation is not about decoration though it is important to draw the attention. However, you don’t have to spend your major time just to make presentation because you have more important duty to do which is delivering the material.
That is why, you just need to choose templates. It is simple and effective with great design that you can’t make it by yourself though your try so many times. Material becomes your priority and decoration is number two so never spend much time just for decoration.
Presentation is not about decoration though it is important to draw the attention. However, you don’t have to spend your major time just to make presentation because you have more important duty to do which is delivering the material.
That is why, you just need to choose templates. It is simple and effective with great design that you can’t make it by yourself though your try so many times.
Material becomes your priority and decoration is number two so never spend much time just for decoration.
If you can make the amazing Powerpoint in just minutes, why not? Why choose something hard for you to do? Long time ago, templates were not there and you can’t find template though you really wanted.
You had to make the decoration for your slide alone using clip art, auto shape and more. If there were templates, users had to pay to get because template was something rare and precious.
You won’t get 20 slides, 30 slides or even 40 slides. Perhaps you just got 5 slides only and it was not enough if you have more materials to put.
If you can make the amazing Powerpoint in just minutes, why not? Why choose something hard for you to do? Long time ago, templates were not there and you can’t find template though you really wanted.
You had to make the decoration for your slide alone using clip art, auto shape and more. If there were templates, users had to pay to get because template was something rare and precious.
You won’t get 20 slides, 30 slides or even 40 slides. Perhaps you just got 5 slides only and it was not enough if you have more materials to put.
However, now you can get whatever you like. You may not get 5 slides but also more than it. You will get different theme, color, picture, symbols and more.
Long time ago, you were confused in searching for the suitable theme because it wasn’t that many. However, now you are confused to choose one only among hundreds or thousands of templates in just one site.
You are confused to pick one that you really like because there are so many themes that can go well with your presentation theme of Powerpoint.
It means, you need to put more effort just to select the right theme. Giant Template is the site for those who search for templates offer more.
It is all free and you don’t need to pay for the full version of your slides. You just need to download and put the password.
You can find the very formal theme until the casual one which is informal. It saves more time and you can save them all so when you need it, you just need to apply without downloading anymore or accessing the Giant Template site.
What you want to get is impression from your bosses and if you serve them with some templates for your presentation, they will give their thumbs up for you.
Your boss will not realize if you prepare the presentation just in short time because your show your professionalism through your slides. It means that you are serious in doing your duty and you might get their complement.
If you can impress the bosses or managers with your presentation, then you can get the opportunity to get promoted.
Who doesn’t want to be promoted for the better position? If you can do it by delivering the best presentation in front of people, then you can get it easily.
You just need to show the consistent performance in doing presentation including your slides. If you do it, perhaps you can get it in short time.
Other people might be jealous because they can’t make the good slide as yours though you realize that you don’t make it by yourself but you just download the template for your good ways.
Before it is too late, you have to access the Giant Templates site and you can see. All slides will be shown on its category so you don’t have to download it first just to know the design in all slides.
Besides that, you can also look at the Youtube because it shows the slide show of this template so you can know perfectly the design and the explanation.
If you don’t like the first theme, then you can search for another and see it again through Youtube until you find your perfect theme for presentation.
You may get also similar themes when you access one category for your reference so you can have so many choices to decide.
It means you don’t have to find one by one the recommended theme since the name is unfamiliar for you and if you search for it alone, you may not find anything. If you choose “Morph” for example, then you will not only get one theme but you may see so many similar theme using Morph too so your choice doesn’t stop in one theme but it can spread to other theme too.
Choose also the theme that will give you the right amount of slides. If you think your presentation will be short or you just have few materials, you can choose some themes that will offer 10 or 20 slides.
Meanwhile, if you have many things to present, then you can choose 30 or 40 slides. If you consider little thing like that, you will find what you want right away and it helps you to overcome your confusion in choosing just one theme you need at crucial time for your upcoming presentation in closer time.
So far, you have already understood about free Powerpoint templates 2018 review and you just need to taka a look at them through video so you can decide easily for your needs.
However, now you can get whatever you like. You may not get 5 slides but also more than it. You will get different theme, color, picture, symbols and more. Long time ago, you were confused in searching for the suitable theme because it wasn’t that many.
However, now you are confused to choose one only among hundreds or thousands of templates in just one site. You are confused to pick one that you really like because there are so many themes that can go well with your presentation theme of Powerpoint.